Level 1 Game Design

Quick presentation on why game design can be a great job to get into, and what are all the parts to game design. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQ3KdKucRtdpvvlC5BMmKhupzIq7BgHEcN-D9tnTiTJqbKRqlrMgSramCnO__ssXQH44ptOlh3NFkrz/pub?start=false&loop=true&delayms=60000&slide=id.p

Python Developer

Phantom is the leading Security Automation & Orchestration platform, and the first to provide an open community for sharing Playbooks and Apps. It makes security smarter, faster, and stronger. We are an early-stage company headquartered in Palo Alto, and led Read more…