Teaching, Coaching, Learning

A teacher must always be learning to always be teaching


I teach Programming, Advanced Programming, Practicum in Informational Technology, and Principles of IT at Chaparral Star Academy


I coach CSA's Computer Programming Team that competes at multiple computer programming competitions across the state. These competitions help give students real world problems that they must solve, and in a short amount of time.


I am always seeking knowledge in programming, IT, philosophy, politics, you name it and I want to learn about it.


Latest info

How about that music?

So it can be very hard to find video game music for those games you might be putting together. There are lots of free sites out there for sound effects as well (best is this Read more…

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A little more about me

Find me at the office

I work at Chaparral Star Academy in Austin, TX

I also have a web design side business Paradise Web Design

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